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Interview Preparation

School Interviews are how schools get to know their prospective students. Schools have their own considerations when selecting candidates. Being able to present yourself to the interviewer is the key to success. Our teachers are experienced in delivering comprehensive and interactive training so that students are ready for any interviews they may face.

Ascent Prep's Interview Preparation

AP's interview preparation course consists of 4 lessons, including an overview of your targeted schools, interview skills and practice, mock interview, and tips for top schools entrance. 


Students would be able to develop their confidence through presentation and fine-tune their presentation under the guidance of our experienced teachers.

Ascent Prep's Interview or Entrance Exam Preparation students have received offers from the following schools:

- Bromsgrove School

- Cheltenham Ladies' College

- Clifton College

- Concord College

- Downe House

- Dulwich College

- Eton College

- Roedean School

- Oundle School

- Queen Ethelburga’s College

- Whiftgift School

1 to 1 Interview Prep
Contact us to book a lesson!
Call us at +852 2351 6132.

"我今年10年級,要考英國學校, 在Ascent Prep補習英文數學及面試技巧,Ascent Prep的老師真的非常專業,英文老師非常標準的英語發音而且針對性很強。數學老師思路清晰,明確易懂。面試老師經驗豐富而且幽默風趣。每位老師都給我留下深刻印象!使我在短時間內有很大提升!並且順利考入理想學校!謝謝Ascent Prep對我的幫助!"

—  Van, UKiset, Interview, 來自耀中國際學校(入讀理想英國學校)

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